I had a friend email me some questions on nutrition recently for an assignment/article she was writing for a school paper. Having said that my answers are by no means scientific but rather my opinion, the beauty of blogging is just that, its opinion! Enjoy the read...
Lauren Schmidt
What up Grayson, Would you answer a few questions of mine for an article I'm writing. thank you so much for your input!
Lauren Schmidt
1. what are some ingredient substitutions you use to increase nutritional value? (such as using turkey bacon instead of bacon, whole wheat instead of white, lean turkey instead of ground beef, etc)
Hey Lauren glad I can help you on this...
1. When it comes to substitute foods I am a bit of an extremist, I tend to look at a meal with different eyes, My protien substitutes come in the form of lean white meats such as fish and chicken. I generally dont eat red meat more than once every two weeks. The reasons for this choice is due to the saturated fat levels found within the red meat. What the general public dont realize is that all meat contains high levels of natural fat held within the muscle fibers of the meat and are usually not visible to the eye, all my meat containing fat content visible to the eye I will cut away. The cleaner the meat the healthier the protein source. Also I keep my meat servings to a moderate portion size. In-fact with my training and racing I sometimes measure my meat intake according to my body weight so I know just how much to take on before I start to store excess protein as fat. Rule of thumb here is about 1.5-1.8grams per KG. Not sure of the ratio in LBS.
Other substitutes I use are Gluten Free products instead of whole wheat... I have posted my most recent blog post on this exact topic, Slightly ironic that you'd query Whole Wheat vs. White, you can see it here
http://mudbandit.blogspot.com/2012/06/going-gluten-free.html feel free to use the material as it explains in depth the benefits of a Gluten free diet.
2. what are some of the most unhealthy meals/ingredients to eat?
2. Well this is a very easy question... The most unhealthy meals come in the form of high saturated and trans fat foods. High Sugars especially High Sucrose Corn Syrup. Sodas are in there too. Anything deep fried or coated with butter and other Fats... Sodium is also bad for you when ingested at high levels. Sodium acts as a sponge for the body. It absorbs into the body at a cellular level and retains water. Most times my weight will fluctuate due to water content stored from a sodium intake higher than normal. Although I need sodium because I train in excess of 20-25 hours a week I am burning loads of electrolytes and lose sodium through sweat. My weight will fluctuate between 4lbs in a day due to sodium and water retention. When it comes to bad foods you generally want to stay away from fried foods, high sugars, high sodium. These would relate back to comfort foods in question 1.
3. if you had to make macaroni and cheese "healthier", how would you do it?
3. I would use a rice based pasta noodle, low fat whipping cream, and goats cheese. Again this is purely comfort food and those would be my substitutes in question 1. I would also look to add some small chunks of chicken to gain further on nutritional value.
4. do you use any spices to enhance flavors of bland food?
4. I often use spices, for one spices are not entirely bad for you so long as they are added in moderation. Most spices are high in sodium but when cooking with spices on high heat it allows certain healthy chemical reactions to occur, an example would be grilled Tomatoes with cinnamon and iodized salt. Cinnamon is said to stabilize blood sugar levels and increase metabolic rate. These are ways I use spices for nutritional value.
5. what are some tips you have for people trying to cook/live healthier?
5. I rule of thumb when it boils down to nutrition, "no pun intended", is this... If you can pick it from a tree, pluck it from the ground, if it has 2 or 4 legs, swims in a body of water its good for you, if it comes in a can or a box/packet stay away from it. Now within reason of that statement as most fruits and vegetables are in packets for storage reasons but basically you want to eat as if you were living in caveman times, Paleo Diet to be specific. Stay as natural as possible.
6. do you have any "comfort" foods that you enjoy eating? (mashed potatoes, beef stew, pot roast, peanut butter and jelly, etc)
6. I absolutely love peanut butter. I would eat a whole jar given the chance, Peanut butter is actually classified as a super food and its for that reason you need to be careful of it. Its so rich in sources of good fats that you have to be cautious of your intake levels, having it in moderation is key. The jelly I am not so fond of because it almost always contains high corn syrup. I would substitute jelly for a natural preserve or jam as we like to call it in S.A.
7. are there any foods that you eat now because they remind you of your childhood, or of certain happy memories?
7.Infact i have a strange story for this question. The answer is rather inverted but true. I use to hate Peas when I was a kid. I would feed them to the cat under the table or push my utensils together and hide them underneath from my mom. However now that i am an athlete i have a strange relationship to those Peas. I still am not to fond of them but I recall when growing up that peas were so good for you, it is for that reason and that reason alone that i will eat peas. Usually with an awkward facial expression but i will shovel them down for the benefits of the nutritional gains. Other than that i dont really have cravings for childhood foods. Unless my mom is cooking i might ask her for a Lasange or in South Africa we have this meal called "Melk Kos" in translation it is "Milk Food", it is almost like a porridge but if you doctor it correctly it can be a desert. It is made with Butter, Flour and Milk, the method is to throw the milk in a pot until boil, then mix the flour and butter in a bowl and while continuously stirring add the powder mix to the milk bringing it to boil. We would add brown sugar or raw sugar as it is called here with a touch of that spice Cinnamon, i guess you could say its like a liquid Frappe or pancake.
8. if people had to cut one food out of their life, which one would be the most beneficial?
8. Hands down fried foods and fast foods. Not only would it be beneficial for their health but it would be saving the planet in more ways than 1. Watch this video to gain an understanding of that statement... When they talk about the concentration camps for cows you will understand.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqxENMKaeCU&feature=watch-now-button&wide=1
To conclude, if people had a greater education of what food does to their bodies on the inside I guarantee a drastic change in eating habits. For me life is about balance, and that should show through on all spheres of life, even diet. Eating is problematic when you throw convenience into the equation, its just to easy these days to eat on the go and harness the use of a drive though. In one episode of the series "Prison Break" the character Tea Bag says," Remember the days when eating was a gift from god, when families would come together and enjoy a meal at the table, with no rush in the world to finish", It hit home for me, the world is in such a spin that often people forget to chew their food, I say, slow it down and enjoy the flavors. Let your body tell you when you have had your fill rather than indulging in the whole meal just to finish.
Peace out girl scout. Hope this helps...
Grayson, The Mudbandit