Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Triple Challenge Race Report

Triple challenge MultiX
11th overall and 4th in Cat

Looking up at yet another challenge/mountain!
(thats the "oh shit" expression)  

 My first Triple Challenge and I will be back to do it again next year. A grueling event that everyone should consider doing in the future, this event raised the bar for me on all levels, physically and psychologically . Plan accordingly and do the mileage, it will offer more enjoyment with the hint of  suffering for that added flavour. 21km trail run, 56km MTB, 7km run or 20km paddle.
Gareth Harrington giving me the Hairy eye ball,
while Raoul smiles for the camera
The start of the run was fast and furious, almost reaching boiling point but just holding back to limit losses. I went into this 21km trail run not having done the full distance during training. I was concerned it would cause havoc in the later part of the run but to my surprise and to boost my confidence I felt GREAT and strong getting onto the bike. My split for the run was 1h33 min. I was aiming for 1h30 but was satisfied with my time. The Mountain bike leg was a real African experience. Literally through the heart of Kwa Zulu Natal, from Pietermaritzburg to Inanda Dam, dodging dogs, goats, cows and even little kids while also sitting wheel behind taxi's. Towards the 4hour mark of the race I could feel a significant drop in energy levels, at this point it became a mental test for me. It pushed me to and beyond my limits but also has paved the way for my future training and racing. I know I am capable of so much more and next season I feel with better planning I am going to achieve so much more on a personal level as well as on my results... Bring on 2011!!!!!
Head down power up

Check my GARMIN stats from the race.... http://connect.garmin.com/activity/56117526


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